Friday, July 01, 2005


Well, I made it. After spending a couple of days hanging out with the crew in Santa Monica, I spent what amounted to almost a day in route to my first stop -- Auckland. Sure, it was a couple of flights (one was almost 8, the other almost 6) but they had video games. I played Miniature Golf, and shot a respectable 35 over par for 9 holes. I think the cabin pressure affected my cyber-swing.

Auckland is a cool town; clean and hilly, vibrant and modern. It has a European feel, with a swath of Seattle thrown in there. Several of the neighborhoods remind me of Seattle, and it doesn't hurt that they have a uncanny copy of the Space Needle called the "Sky Tower".

My time so far has been spent walking, mostly, and adjusting - to winter rather than summer, cars on the left rather than the right (important distinction for the dazed pedestrian), and generally being on the planet's underbelly for the first time. I watched the All Blacks rugby match against the British and Irish Lions last night at the local pub, which was very cool. Kiwis love their rugby -- All Black banners are more common than street signs here.

I'm heading out on a bus tomorrow morning to check out some other spots on the North Island, finishing up at Wellington. From there, it's on the the South Island -- I'm particularly excited about taking a train along the Southern Alps.